
Showing posts from December, 2021

My 90 Day Rehab Experience

One of the biggest questions we hear from people thinking about addiction treatment and their families is what they can expect. What is it like to go to treatment, especially a more extended day program like a 90-day rehab? The sense of uncertainty and not being sure of what to expect can be one of the things that hold people back from getting the treatment they desperately need. Our goal is to guide you through this time that can feel scary and uncertain and help you better understand what programs are like, whether it’s a 90-day rehab, 60-day drug rehab program, or a 30-day rehab. What is a Typical Day in Rehab? If it’s a 30-day rehab or a 90-day program, some of the things that you might expect at a residential treatment center include the following: The environment will be safe, calm, and structured. The goal is to reduce uncertainty, so there is a lot of structure. Your treatment team also wants to create a space that’s conducive to healing and recovery. You will get up early in t