Benefits of 90-Day Treatment Programs

Many individuals who suffer from severe addictions may find a 90-day treatment program beneficial. Not only is the length of the program ideal, but it also offers several benefits to those seeking treatment. The program's inpatient component allows addiction specialists to carefully monitor the withdrawal symptoms that may be dangerous to the patient. During the program, an individual will receive various forms of therapy. Aftercare can be provided to the person who completed the program. Inpatient treatment is ideal for individuals who are undergoing detox and are not ready to return home.

Most 90-day rehabilitation centers employ a variety of methods. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps individuals recognize the patterns of thought that lead to substance abuse. Motivational enhancement therapy (ME) helps people become more motivated, and contingency management interventions provide positive reinforcement for abstinence. Individual and group counseling can help people to open up about their emotions and explore their thoughts with a trusted professional. In some cases, family therapy is included to help people to rebuild relationships.

After treatment has begun, the patient will be evaluated to see if there are any underlying causes of the addiction. Often, the patient is unable to stop using drugs or alcohol because they have reached the point of tolerance and dependence. They will experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop using drugs or alcohol. In 90-day rehab programs, health professionals evaluate the severity of the addiction and the best course of treatment for the individual.

Aftercare is a critical part of the recovery process. Aftercare aims to prepare patients for life in sobriety and minimize the likelihood of relapse. Aftercare programs can include ongoing therapy and community-based options, such as sober living homes. During the 90-day rehab, patients often need aftercare services to ensure that they maintain the support network they formed while in treatment. The 12-Step recovery meetings may be an ideal outlet to maintain recovery connections outside the program.

Some 90-day rehab programs include medical detox to stabilize the brain chemistry and decrease cravings. Because alcohol withdrawal symptoms can result in a rebound effect, a medical detox program will help patients gradually reduce their intake. A medical detox program may even replace alcohol with a central nervous system depressant medication. A benzodiazepine-based medication may also be prescribed to patients during the treatment, which can be continued throughout rehab. After 90 days, they may be weaned off the medication and return to their normal lives.

Some luxury 90-day treatment facilities can cost upwards of $20,000, with private living quarters, extensive activity schedules, and other amenities. But whatever the price, the main goal is the same: helping people overcome addiction. There are two kinds of 90-day programs: free programs and expensive ones. The first kind offers comfortable living quarters. But, the latter has many advantages, such as a comprehensive program that addresses co-occurring medical conditions and an extensive aftercare program.

During the 90-day drug rehab program, an individual is able to learn life skills essential to recovery. These include conflict resolution and healthy interpersonal relationships. An individual can gain coping skills that will help him or her maintain sobriety long after they have completed the treatment. Long-term substance abuse alters the brain chemistry, resulting in addictive behaviors. During this time, the brain can repair itself and grow stronger.

A 90-day drug rehab program is an intensive program aimed at overcoming moderate to severe addictions. The intensive care program incorporates a wide range of medical and behavioral therapies. This approach ensures maximum recovery and prevention of relapse. There are several different kinds of 90-day rehab programs, including those that require a residency. The benefits of these programs depend on the severity of addiction, location, and availability of resources.

Opus Health in Costa Mesa offers an individualized, highly structured 90-day rehab program. This program incorporates frequent and intensive professional services that reduce relapses and break the addiction cycle. At this center, the staff of experts specializes in dual disorders and serious addiction. These professionals apply a physician-health-recovery model. Intensive 90-day rehab programs improve long-term results by providing ongoing recovery monitoring and coaching.


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